Support me with zero dollars
Supporter – an advocate, a backer, to champion, and uphold.
Supporters are awesome people. They’re the ones who lift up any artistic and creative endeavour.
Unfortunately, we usually associate the word ‘support’ with financial offerings, purchases or patrons.
We all know there are times in life where it’s not practical to be as financially generous as we’d like. I created this page to offer you several ways to support me and my work, without having to spend a cent. Try these on for size.
Do one or two; better still, do all the things!
Thank you for your support, from the bottom of my heart xo

Social Media
⭐ Follow me on social media.
⭐ React to my posts 👍❤️😮😂
⭐ Comment on my posts and share them!
⭐ Write your own social media posts and tell your friends and family what you think about my books. Photos are excellent. Don’t forget to #tag me!
⭐Mention my books on other posts when people are discussing great books.
⭐ Reviews are for other readers to let them know what the book is like and whether they might enjoy them. Although they’re not ‘strictly’ for authors, reviews can act as ‘gatekeepers’, and can refuse an author access to certain advertising features until a level of reviews is reached.
⭐ You don’t need to have purchased from a particular site to leave a review. You can find a list of my books and sites to review them here.

⭐Take photos of yourself enjoying my books, or enlist a friend’s help and get creative.
⭐ Not only do I love seeing my work ‘In the Wild’, I can use your pictures (with your permission) in my marketing campaigns.
⭐ Nothing says this book is terrific, better than real peple endorsing it.
Send me your photos or post them to social media, and don’t forget to #tag me!
⭐ Don’t you love book recommendations from friends?
⭐ They know you well enough to know your likes and dislikes, or your willingness to try something new.
⭐ Return the favour and recommend my books to your friends. You never know who might be searching for a new read, and would love to hear your suggestion!

⭐ Part of a bookclub?
⭐ Consider suggesting one of my books for your next read.
⭐ I’m happy to come along* for a Q&A session or provide discussion/study notes if required.
(*resonable distance)
⭐ Ask your local library to add my books to their collection.
⭐ Library staff can order them using the title, and its ISBN (International Standard Book Number).

⭐ Email or share your favourite scenes and moments from my stories with me.
⭐ Why did that scene ‘speak’ to you?
⭐ This helps me create content that might help or intrigue other readers. (Of course I can do this anonymously if you prefer.)
⭐ Send me an email or message about your own the connection with the book.
⭐ Quotes or snippets (like sound bites), are really helpful for ads of all kinds.
Join my Newsletter
⭐ I send my monthly newsletter, the ‘Readers Circle’ out around the 18th of each month.
⭐ In it, I update what I’ve been working on, share what’s happening on social media, and offer you some free goodies.
⭐ I love getting to know my supporters this way. Please join me in the circle ❤️.
Sign up here.

⭐ Are you on
⭐ It’s a great place to record the books you’ve read and give them a rating. You can also create a bookshelf where you record the books you ‘want to read’ so you’ll never forget a title again.
⭐ Please leave reviews, and like other peoples reviews that you agree with.
⭐ Each time you like a review, it shows in your friends news feeds, so more people get to read the reviews.
Got dollars/pounds/euros to love me with??
⭐ Buy my books!
⭐ Buy them as gifts for others.
⭐ On each page of my website you can buy me a virtual coffee through the
tinycoffee app. Coffees are $5.00AU each and you can choose to buy me one, or