Praise for Crown of Fire
The book brought me into a new world. I enjoyed learning about its people and their traditions. What a great way to connect with the reader by having them learn alongside the narrator. This story was magical but down to earth, and had so many things to learn along the way.
I look forward to continuing my journey into the next book of the series!
(Goodreads) December 2023
My attention was captivated by this novel from the very beginning to the very end, and Ashling’s unwavering strength and courage are genuinely evident throughout each page. Readers feel tormented by this character, which makes the story a source of inspiration in challenging times.
Definitely worth a try.
(Goodreads) October 2023
Great read.
You accompany the main protagonist on her journey of discovery, as she unleashes the magic within her and all around her . Remind me in pieces of Pilgrims progress. Very much suited for people who, like to reflect on life’s lessons that they can learn from their environment and other people.
(Amazon UK) September 2023
A fictional tale of fantasy providing inspiration for personal growth within the story of Ashling. Her journey is heart wrenching with twists that build towards a finish that leaves you wanting to see what next for her.
A great start to a series that promises entertaining reading.
(Goodreads) September 2023
A really compelling story. The world was so well constructed, so much suspense and intensity. The character development was really strong, and the whole story was filled with so many twists and turns. Loved it.
(Goodreads) August 2023
Like it a lot!
An epic plot line and interesting characters – fascinating premise
(Goodreads) July 2023
A modern day ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ set in a fictional land that takes on the issue of trauma recovery, spirituality and selfhood. The heroine has been robbed of her identity since childhood due to emotional and physical abuse by her guardians. There is a deeper root to the reason why they have tried to obliterate her personhood and subjugate her will – fear, and a desire to hold on to power. When she escapes from the castle and attempts to make her way in the world outside, she doesn’t know who she really is, what her powers are, or what her destiny is. As the story unfolds she gradually finds herself and learns lessons of healing, learning how to trust herself and trust her instincts about what she senses in others.
(Goodreads) June 2023
I loved reading this book. It has this Verdant quality, weaving the story through a therapeutic circle of adventure , sense of pain, love, peace and serenity all in one go.You are transported to a different world in no time.
Loved reading this tale of unknown realms!
(Goodreads) May 2023
Ashlyn is a young terrified girl, whose life has been one of luxury, hatred, fear and control. When her servant/only friend knows she will be killed as a result of Ashlyn’s actions, she begs Ashlyn to flee and to find that which is hidden. With no experience of the life outside ‘The Hall’ she flees, able to trust no one and is either hunted or helped by those she meets, and Thomas joins her on her journey to keep her safe. Gradually Ashlyn comes to know who she is, helped by ‘The Mystery’ [God]. In her journey they come across different villages – one who only valued their ‘pots’ – both showing them off to others for status whilst fearing someone stealing them (love of possessions), another village was so caught up in beauty and perfection on the outside, another village only valued knowledge and despised those beneath them firstly for not being able to even read (and how can one read if no one will teach?) and yet another village reveres ‘tradition’ above all else.
Note this book starts slowly and like Ashlyn, the reader is a bit confused as to what is happening but it is very much worth persevering, and I appreciated how Ashlyn was always encouraged to look deeper, to depend on The Mystery and to grow through the hard times. I look forward to the next book in this series.
(Goodreads) February 2023
Ashling escapes the bonds of her captive home and travels in search of herself, someone who has been told her entire life that she is evil. Along her journey, she meets Thomas. Running and escaping from soldiers hunting her, Ashling runs from place to place looking for clues to who she may truly be. Together, she and Thomas travel toward an endpoint known yet unknown.
From the beginning, this book caught me off guard. It is subtle, authentic, and emotionally honest. It is unlike most books out there. It doesn’t hit you over the head with humour or observation. I had to read, then sit with it for a while, then read more just to digest the subtleties.
This book deals in trauma, from the little horrors dealt by our families to the larger ones committed by strangers. I found it frightening how articulate Ashling is in detecting both her own trauma and those who would inflict it upon her. And even more frightening how trusting and forgiving Thomas is.
But this book is also beautiful because it is so honest and authentic. The world needs more books like this.
(Goodreads) August 2022
I could literally not stop reading this. The characters were real, fascinating. This book makes you think while enjoying the story. Anyone who loves fantasy, medieval settings, strong female lead, I highly recommend!
(Amazon CA) March 2022
I was drawn to this book by the cover as I love a good fantasy book. This book was fantasy but so much more too. The book is beautifully written with gorgeous prose. The characters are incredibly well described and developed as the book goes along. Plus, not only is there the magical side of the book, but as the main character moves along her path of destiny she inevitably hits issues that needs to be overcome. The author takes the opportunity to turn these issues to deeper places so that if you choose to you can see the spiritual growth and take the lessons forward into your own life. The book really is unique in the way it’s written. On top of that it has an excellent story that leaves you wanting more. Although I received an arc of this book, I enjoyed it so much I’ve gone on to buy a copy to support the author and have also gone on to read the next book in the Awenmell world. Highly recommended!
(Amazon US) June 2020
Crown of Fire is not only an adventure of the heart and spirit, but a fable with many underlying truths and lessons. At the end I looked back in awe at the main character, Ashling, and at the long journey she had taken from being prisoner in a castle to her physical freedom and finally to something even higher. The story telling is also vivid and beautiful, so that I continuously found myself immersed in this newly created worId. However, underneath this world is a mystery and unrest. Many of the people have lost their way, similarly to what we are seeing in the modern world. I also found immense value to take from the journey and grew with the characters as they moved forward, even though they often did not have a clear vision or direction. In that way they also seemed real since they held their own inner struggles. These struggles are amplified by an ancient magic. At the end of the book I was hooked and ready to see where the tale will lead (this is the beginning of a series).
(Amazon US) January 2020
This book and I went on a journey together. Starting off slowly, like it was holding my hand. As I progressed I read it more and more. I am not a reader generally, easily distracted with lack of focus. This book kept me, helping me grow on my healing journey. I recommend this book to those in need of healing. Thank you Lisa King 🙂
(Goodreads) September 2019
It took me a while to get into the book, but once I did I was hooked and I really enjoyed reading it. The characters are very relatable and the story had a great flow.
(Amazon US) May 2019
This book was lit!! okay, anyways, I received a copy of this book for my honest opinion. When I say I was hooked from start to finish, I mean it. The author created such an amazing world and her characters are very well rounded. I enjoyed the journey that they were on and wasn’t bored for a single second. I also learned a lot about myself as Ashling did for herself as she powered through her journey. 10/10 would recommend
(Amazon US) May 2019
I found this story all in inspiring from the beginning to the end. Lisa King (author) took Ashling (MC) through a periling journey not only through a fantasy script adventure, but also a mind blowing inner look at her own self of how she fit into the world around her. This traveler was on a journey of her own, learning what inner strengths is, what self doubt can do, and learn to not forget to stop, breath, relax, and listen to the inner world you are. There are lessons to learn if you just stop, and look at the things around you. The old adage; do not forget to stop and smell the roses but know that all beautiful things can also have thorns, and figuring out how they work together to make them who they are, is so true.
Ashling learned that a good mentor/teacher is not only a person that teaches you the lesson, but also leaves you asking question that only you can answer of yourself.
Enjoy your own journey through this beautiful journey with Ashling.
(Amazon US) May 2019
I received a complimentary copy from voracious readers. Beautifully written, the author has a real talent for painting a picture with words and writing to make you think. Would have given 5 stars but felt that the plot was very slow initially and it took a while to get into…now looking forward to the second book.
(Amazon UK) May 2019
I don’t usually read just straight up fiction, so I was a little hesitant to dive into this book.
Once I dove I thought I was going to drown, this book started with a dark scene, and it sucked me in. I automatically hated the first two characters introduced.
Aishling is a strong female character whom I cannot wait to see more of.
Do yourselves a favor and read this book, you’ll be glad you did.
(Amazon US) April 2019
I wasn’t sure if this was a story I’d really enjoy, but I’m so glad I went ahead and read it! Beautifully told, I enjoyed seeing Ashling’s journey. Told from the MC Ashling’s point of view, the author does an amazing job painting both emotion and setting that creates a beautiful story that’s easy to loose oneself in, and much harder to put down.
(Amazon US) April 2019
The author has done an amazing job at bringing this world alive by the use of her descriptive language. The plot is different to what I’ve been reading recently and thoroughly enjoyable! The author takes us on a dangerous journey that requires the lead character to do a lot of self-discovery so that she is able to come out victorious at the other end. The author has a wonderful use of language and there is layer upon layer in this book that is peeled back as you read further in to the story. If this is your genre then I definitely recommend getting this book and sitting back with a coffee to enjoy it as you won’t want to get up and put this book down again until you have reached the end.
(Book Bub) April 2019
This book starts with a frightening scene of a father inspecting his newborn child’s eyes, and based on what he sees, murdering the infant. The book then fast forwards a couple of decades, told from the perspective of Lady Ashling who is the only surviving daughter of this leader. We see Ashling first living her normal, restrained life and then making a bold move to protect an innocent man. This sets off a chain of events. She sees someone she loves murdered, and she escapes her father’s stronghold, fearing for her own life. From here until the end, Ashling’s perspective about herself and her world widens as she comes to know people outside of her confined world as well as what may be her role within the greater kingdom.
The book is breathtaking in its tight, deep perspective of Ashling. The author is able to get under this character’s skin, and we see the book’s world through her eyes; her perspective has been warped by her cruel treatment by her father and his minions. Her fear and terror are palpable in a way that I’m not used to seeing. As she interacts with those outside of her father’s hall, we come to see how deeply this is ingrained in her psyche. Few books in genre fiction delve into how a character’s mind has been fractured by harsh, long-term treatment; more uncommon still is to make this character the narrator, as it can make for an unreliable one.
While I am typically a quick reader, this is a book that I savored over some time, as I found the world and its narrator one I didn’t want to rush through.
(Amazon US) April 2019
You have no idea how much your book means to me and I’m not sure if I can articulate it well enough via email. The thought process, learning and self discovery that you write about and the way you describe it, its like you’re in my head, and you know personally what its like to experience the things you were writing about (what so much has felt like for me) the pain, the fear, the hopelessness, the survival, the hope, the joy, the excitement, the disappointment, the self doubt, the insights, the continual introspection, the determination and stubbornness to not give up! I felt so connected to Ashling and her journey!!
(Email review) February 2019
I received a complimentary copy of the book from the author via Voracious Readers Only, the story kept you hooked as you couldn’t guess what would happen. The story was very well written and thoroughly enjoyable I would recommend this book to others and can’t wait for Rise the next book to come out.
(Goodreads Review) February 2019
This was a beautiful book to read. It’s detailed and descriptive. The characters come to life, along with this world full of magic and struggle. I feel like this is a book that gives the reader so much to think about. It’s one you can easily read again and pick up on something you merely glanced at the first time through. There’s layers to this book that beg to be explored. I cannot wait to read the next book, I just wish I had it now.
(Goodreads Review) February 2019
I found this to be a book that was very difficult to put down. I loved the strong heroine. The setting was fantasy but it was easy to see the similarities of her turmoils in the world we live in today. I hope there are more books to follow as I can’t wait to read them too! I received this book from the author via Voracious Readers Only in exchange for a honest review.
(Good reads Review) January 2019
Dark but excellent adventure of Ashling with lots of doubtful of her feeling and the truth about her life. Hypnotizing concept in the breathtaking beauty of nature. It’s a fantasy but the story is very inspirational.
I really enjoyed it and will continue to follow Ashling’s story.
~What you believe about yourself is what you will become~
(Goodreads Review) December 2018
A gripping read from the start!
Fantastic Book.
(Amazon UK Review) December 2018
I’m not normally a reader of fiction, in fact I rarely read it – however ‘Crown of Fire’ is the exception.
Absolutely fantastic book, well written with a strong plot and very descriptive story in the telling.
I heartily recommend this book and look forward to Lisa’s second book in this series.
(Reviewer) December 2018
I have just finished reading Crown of Fire. I am literally wiping away the tears as I write this. What an extraordinary gift to the world this story is! It is a fiction that contains more truth than any other book I have read. I have been deeply moved and inspired by this story. It is so beautifully written and the descriptions sweep you away into the world and mind of Ashling. Thank you for having the courage to write this. I have no doubt that it will touch the souls of many, many people. The world truly needs this story now. I am looking forward to the second book.
(Reviewer) December 2018
I just saw your blog post about the genre of Crown of Fire. You need to start another genre! Healing visionary, or visionary healing? Either way I think it should have ‘healing’ in there because that’s what this book is!
(Reviewer) November 2018
I found it difficult to put Crown of Fire down, and when I had too I was thinking about what the characters were doing without me. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to get lost in what they are reading. I especially enjoyed the descriptions of the scenery it felt like I could reach out and touch it. I wait in anticipation for the next book.
(Kobo Reviewer) October 2018
Life changing book!!!!
I can’t wait for the next sequel! If you want characters that stay with you for life, this is the book!
(Goodreads reviewer) October 2018
I loved this book and couldn’t put it down. I would recommend this to anyone that loved the Alchemist or looking for a fictional book that inspires and enables personal growth at the same time.
I was entranced by Ashling and could relate to her journey. The writing style is unique and I initially found it a bit different to get used to but once I was in the rhythm of the book and the story, I relaxed into it and thoroughly enjoyed it. The author paints a very vivid picture of the environment, which really provides a true escape from our own current world and just made the Crown of Fire an even more enjoyable read.
I found many parts of the book to mirror things I had been through or things I am going through and Ashling’s journey assisted my own and made me feel that I am on the right path. The ending brought tears to my eyes as I found it very powerful personally. I now find myself constantly thinking of the story and relating it to my own life as well as friends and family.
(Goodreads Reviewer) October 2018
“You know you’re reading a good book when you haven’t even finished and you’re making a list of all the people you have to tell about it.”
(Reviewer) September 2018
“… I never really gravitate towards fantasy novels, but either my idea of fantasy was wrong or I have been missing out on something… So inspiring… The ending… OMG!”
(Reviewer) September 2018
In this well articulated story, I felt my heart being pulled in all directions with the emotional rollercoaster. I wanted to be there, hug them and tell them it’s all going to be okay. I cheered out loud when a gift was given.. then checked the room as I realised I wasn’t in the book. I wait eagerly for the next book and I recommend this book for anyone looking for a meaningful adventure with twists and turns keeping you on the edge of your seat!
(Goodreads Review, September 2018)
This was one of those books that I literally could not stop reading, and when I wasn’t reading it, I was upset that I wasn’t reading it. It combined pretty much all my favorite elements in one story: a strong, intelligent, and awesomely intuitive female protagonist with a world permeated by magic and miracles. I felt very close to this narrator, and even though the setting was fantasy, I felt like she went through experiences that were so similar to things I have experienced in my real life that it was almost eerie. Ashling (the narrator and MC) is definitely a kindred spirit.
I also loved the journey Ashling went on during the course of the book—both physical and emotional. Again, it mirrored my own personal growth journey so perfectly at times that I was really in awe. From learning how to overcome self-doubt to finding true strength in being of service to others, Ashling always sought to be resilient, even when she was in total darkness about what her next step should be. As a character, I just found her so, so inspiring.
This is one of those books that makes you think about things as you’re enjoying the adventure story, and pulls you along and makes you keep turning pages even when you have other things you have to do. I highly recommend it for anyone who loves fantasy fiction, magical worlds, fantasy with a medieval-like setting, or fiction with strong female characters.
– (Goodreads/Amazon reviewer) September 2018
“I finally started reading Crown of Fire on the plane yesterday morning and I can tell you that it was the quickest damn flight ever. I didn’t want to put the book down.”
(Reviewer) September 2018
What a fantastic book. Lost myself for hours and couldn’t put it down. I love the characters and the world created. Can’t wait for the next book.”
(Amazon Reviewer) September 2018
A must read. What an adventure! the twists, the turns, the gut wrenching moments and the joy were beautifully conveyed to the reader!
(Goodreads Reviewer) September 2018
There are books I can read and I enjoy the story, finish the book, then I’m done. Then there are books I can read and I’m hooked straight away. They grab me by their words, descriptively written scenes and settings, the characters and time period. My mind becomes absorbed into the narrative and scenes the author has created by putting me there with those within the story. It’s like I’m a ghost standing beside them in their world. Then there is the authors style of writing. I have finally learnt the lesson to give up on reading books that don’t bother hooking me in within the first few chapters.
COF was not like that at all. I became so absorbed into the story that I completely lost myself in it. Crown Of Fire was one of “those” books.
The author just “got me”.
It wasn’t that I just lost myself in the world Ashling, but I understood her. I could read between the lines. I could see what was being said or done without the author adding more words or “telling”. My minds eye and my heart were present throughout the whole story because the author wasn’t just writing about Ashling. I could see elements of me within her… I can guarantee that I am not going to be the only person who feels the same. Trauma, abuse, betrayal, fear, confusion, anguish, hatred…
Then there’s the opposite of trauma pain. Deep empathy, learning to let go, learning to trust people, trusting in what we cannot see, trusting our own instincts, learning to trust yourself, learning to step forward, learning to feel, learning to love oneself. I loved this book. It was so real to me in so many ways. I really hope that whoever reads it has their own experience with it like I did.
Read it!
(Amazon/Goodreads Reviewer) September 2018