Fail to Plan, Plan to Fa…. Be Yourself
Sure, at the start of this blogging romance it was all exciting, fresh, and new.
Oh and so much advice, so many people telling me what I should and shouldn’t do, backed with empirical evidence and flow charts and graphs, click meters and algorithms.
I could commit to a social media plan with full responsibility – if you’re doing it, you’d better do it right dammit!
Off I went to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and I blogged. Oh yeah, and among all that I was writing a novel.
And Life happened; as it is wont to do…
Learning to walk again makes you think about a lot important things.
Things like foundations and forward momentum.
My most recent life lessons are about my voice, my own truth; and not just following others out of habit or fear.
Trusting myself.
Lovely, empowering, and terrifying lessons.
Then someone reminded me I haven’t posted on the blog for months.
At first I felt exposed, ‘found out’.
A social media plan failure.
It’s true, social anything had become a chore, not a joy.
I knew I should write a blog post.
I should.
But you know, … bleah.
The truth was I needed to break up with my social media plan (It’s not you it’s me), instead of ghosting the relationship in the hope the awkwardness would melt away.
But it’s over.
A new plan is in place. An un-plan if you will.
I’m looking forward to blogging and posting when I have something I would like to say, not because it’s an ‘optimal time for connection with the tribe’.
Failure’s pretty awesome.
The wonderful thing about it is it frees you from what’s not right and moves you to the next place you should be.
It forces you to make decisions then playfully taps you on the backside as you head off to your new adventure.