Adventure Within
I think I have rebellious creativity.
It digs its heels in and gives me the finger if I try to force it to do anything it’s not here to do. James Hillman called it the daimon; the genius that dwells inside us all and lives up to the connotations of its odd sounding name. It represents our heart, our passion, the leading of our souls. All I know is that when I work against it, I churn out lackluster and uninspiring creations.
What I don’t know is what would happen if I gave it free rein?
Did you feel that tightening your gut, or was it just me?
Immediately, life takes an interesting turn, as if something unusual or exciting lurks around any corner. It all sounds a bit daring. A bit… adventurous.
Yes, it’s a dare. A great big ego-terrifying dare presented by my own heart.
Will I, or won’t I?
I mulled over the ramifications of the dare as discussion around me turned to New Year’s intentions, ‘words’ and plans. Although I’m not one for resolutions, I knew the choice was looming. Would I take my heart up on this offer of journeying into the unknown? An uncharted future teeming with wonder, opportunity, serendipity, and also misunderstandings, ridicule and scorn.
January’s quote on my office calendar jabbed in my ribs.
“Adventure is not outside yourself, it is within.”
“So, you in?” my heart asks.
I take a deep breath, knowing I’ve far more courage while hiding in my office than I’ve ever had outside of it. “I’m in.” I reply.
Who knows where this challenge will lead? I’m not particularly brave, but the good thing is my heart already knows that! Will there be more blog posts, or less? The thing is, I won’t be telling this challenge what it should or shouldn’t be.
I’m listening.
And therein lies the adventure.